rap2soul Black Music Album Charts KW 45/09

Jede Woche neu erstellt rap2soul eigene Black Music Album Charts. Immer donnerstags erscheint die neue Ausgabe der rap2soul Black Music Album Charts. Hier sind unsere Album Charts aus KW 45/2009:

Position VW AW Interpret Titel
1 4 4 Ted Winn Balance
2 5 6 Jay-Z The Blueprint 3
3 9 4 Mack 10 Soft White
4 1 9 Afrob Der Letzte seiner Art
5 2 5 Vickie Winans How I Got Over
6 7 6 Slique Rhythm & Ghetto Soul
7 12 3 Ledisi Turn Me Loose
8 3 7 Trey Songz Ready
9 14 3 N’Dambi Pink Elephant
10 15 2 Youthful Praise Resting On His Promise
11 19 2 The Cajo Family Kingdom Business Pt.2
12 11 4 Fred Hammond Love Unstoppable
13 16 3 MC Bogy Der Oldtimer
14 6 7 Impromp2 It Is What It Is
15 17 2 Vanessa Bell Armstrong The Experience
16 20 2 Ghostface Killah Ghostdini the Wizard of Poetry…
17 Neu 1 Jeff Majors Sacred Eight
18 Neu 1 The Whispers Thankful
19 10 7 The Robert Cray Band This Time
20 8 9 J. Moss Just James

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